What is an assumption? No human is all-knowing, nor do they have access to all places at all times. We live in reality and can’t get out of it to see what reality is completely like. When we reach the edge of what we know and don’t know, we have to assume something that we don’t know. If we knew it, we wouldn’t have to assume it. But because we are limited humans, we all have to assume something to be real, and therefore true. We just do it differently. It is not IF we assume, but HOW we assume, and whether our assumptions match reality. A person’s core assumption is what they believe is really real. Every person affirms one of several core assumptions about reality. That core assumption is the autopilot in our brain. It is the thing that we do not question. If we do, it gives our brain the blue screen of death. We can’t make sense of anything. A core assumption is also the thing we cannot prove. We are all in the same shoes because we are limited humans. Our core assumption is likewise the thing that we accept to be real on faith. How else can we make an assumption? We don’t know it. We trust it. Every person is a person of faith, even atheists, because we all operate from a basic core assumption about what is real. It is that assumption that controls everything we say, do, and think.
What subjects do you cover in the courses? Learn to Discern teaches people how to quickly and reliably find hidden assumptions which determine what is true and what is not...and WHY...in real-world issues and situations. You will discover precisely what truth is and what it isn't. You'll understand what assumptions are and the power they have for honing your discernment skill. You will use that power to explore the assumptions that control how people think about today's moral, social, and cultural issues. We'll reveal the assumptions that form people's beliefs about inequality, race, gender, what really is good, and much more. Then you will find how to relate truth from God and the Bible to these real-world issues because at the level of a person's assumptions it is easy. Subjects are not recommended for under 13.
How are these courses different from other critical thinking courses? Learn to Discern uses a ground-breaking critical thinking system that is entirely different from ANYTHING you have ever seen. It is the next generation of discernment training based on assumptions. It is far superior to worldview. With a little practice even learners who are not particularly intellectual can discern what is true and what isn't in the classroom, the media, and the culture. With practice a learner can reliably discern truth in real-world issues and situations in as little as 30 seconds.
Assumptions instead of worldview? What's the difference? Worldview is the way you see the world. It is the lens through which you see reality. It is the filter through which you interpret what is real. Everyone has their own worldview that is their understanding and experience of the world. Worldview as a framework for truth, however, is inherently relativistic. How I see the world may differ from how you see the world. It is our mental and sensory experience of what we perceive to be real. The framework of worldview affirms that every worldview is equally valid and true for every person. How can you say that your worldview is more valid or true than mine, because I am the one doing the viewing? The framework of worldview itself consequently creates the pervasive “my truth” relativism that plagues our culture today. It creates the belief that there things can be “true for you, but not for me.” Yet, if worldview claims to be the lens or the filter through which we see and interpret reality, doesn’t that imply that there is a reality apart from one’s worldview that is interpreted with a worldview? What is that? What is that reality without glasses? That is what we assume. Every person holds to a basic assumption about reality because no one is all-knowing. We are limited in what we know and don’t know about reality, particularly because we live in reality and cannot get out of it so we can understand what it is completely. All of us have to assume at least in part what reality is because of our human limitations. A person’s core assumption about what is really real is the thing we do not know, because if we knew it we wouldn’t have to assume it. When we reach the edge of what we know and don’t know about reality, we assume something to be real that we don’t know. We do not question it, cannot prove it, and accept it to be real on faith. How else can you make an assumption? You don’t know it. You trust it to be so. Each of the different core assumptions that people affirm are mutually exclusive. Only one describes actual reality, so that assumption is true. The others may have logical consistency IF the core assumption describes actual reality. Since the other core assumptions do not match actual reality, they are false. Understanding assumptions demolishes “true for you but not for me,” and helps us explore “the world without glasses” – reality. Using the power of assumptions allows us get to “the truth” instead of just “my truth.”
Why have I never heard of Learn To Discern? This training course is the first of its kind. That doesn't mean that our assumptions method is unknown or untested. Some of the best Christian scholars and apologists have reviewed and endorsed our revolutionary new discernment process.
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